Film Poster Planning

I may go for a sports theme film poster as sports is something I am very interested in and have a passion for it. I’m thinking of calling my film poster ‘Final Chance’. Where I will have 2 people about to take the free kick but all we can see is their backs. There will also be a wall of four people tempting to block the shot and a goalkeeper in goal.

  • Storyline: the golden have one more chance to score a free kick to win the cup final but can they do it…
  • Aimed for 16+ contains strong language
  • Stars: James & Jc
  • Props; Ball, Football tops shorts and socks, trainers
  • Techniques: transforming, brightness and contrast, dodge and burn
  • Background football stadium with a crowd, goalie and a wall.

Here are some examples of film poster to do with sports that I like:


This is a video that will help me get the background feel that i want to get into my own original poster.

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